
City Form's core research is an integrated programme of research.

The core research involves all the academic partners, and will provide urban form typologies and sustainability performance benchmarks.

The research includes 15 case studies in five cities:

  • Edinburgh
  • Glasgow
  • Leicester
  • Oxford
  • Sheffield
The case study areas are representative of key urban forms in the suburbs; intermediate areas, and; city centres. The size of each case study area is approximately 20ha and/or 2,000 households.

Case Study Locations

The methodology takes into account connections to the overall urban context and networks, and comparisons will be at both macro and micro level.

Measurements are made of the key sustainability indicators and relationships between them. Measurements of urban form include configuration, layout, connectivity, density, housing form, mix of uses, green public space and gardens.

Socio-economic variables include household characteristics, property values and ethnic mix. Transport includes assessments of travel behaviour, and environmental measures include analyses of energy use and biodiversity.
